What is Red Rice and how to boost your body immunity

Red Rice is a unique rice variety with a red colour due to the presence of anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are coloured water-soluble pigments that give fruits, cereals, and vegetables their shades of red, purple, and blue. Unlike brown rice, which is hulled or partially hulled and has a red husk, this rice is unhulled or somewhat hulled and has a red husk. Red rice has a nutty flavour and excellent nutritional value when compared to polished rice variants.

To show off the red tint, which turns the rice pink when cooked, red rice is sold whole grain or slightly milled. Rice with all three sections of the rice grain: endosperm, germ, and bran is known as whole-grain rice.

Red rice Varieties 

Red rice is farmed throughout the world, including Kerala in South India.

Oryza longistaminata, often known as long stamen rice or red rice, is a plant native to most of Sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar.

Red rice is a species of Oryza punctata native to southern Africa, tropical Africa, and Madagascar.

Red Cargo rice is long-grain rice that is unpolished and comparable to brown rice. 

Bhutanese red rice is rice grown in Bhutan and the eastern Himalayas and is a staple food for the entire population.

Camargue red rice is a red rice variety grown in the wetlands of the Camargue region in southern France.

Kerala Matta rice, also known as Rosetta rice and Palakkad Matta rice, is native to Kerala. Red rice, also known as red parboiled rice, is grown in Kerala’s Palakkad area. This kind is popular in Kerala, coastal Karnataka, and Sri Lanka because of its coarseness and health advantages. Unlike, or mini-anganis, hereditary red rice from the Philippines’ Ifugao and Kalinga provinces. Rakthashali is an extremely rare rice cultivar.


1. Fibre riched

Excess carbs are the main reason why individuals avoid rice. On the other hand, red rice does not contain as many simple carbs as white rice, leading to obesity. Red rice, in particular, is high in fibre and complex carbs, which can help you fulfil your daily fibre requirements while also aiding digestion and reducing obesity.

2. Beneficial for overall health

The pigment anthocyanin is responsible for the reddish-purple hue of red rice. They can also be found in foods that have a similar tint. The component has numerous health advantages. Anthocyanin, a powerful antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory agent can help maintain intercellular vitamin C levels equilibrium while improving nerve and eye function.

3. Manages blood sugar levels

If you enjoy rice but cannot consume it due to the risk of developing diabetes, red rice is for you. Red rice, which has a low glycemic index, is extremely helpful in lowering blood sugar levels. Red rice contains substances that help to control insulin action, lowering your risk of diabetes. To make a healthy supper, combine it with vegetables.

4. Rich in Iron

One of the most critical elements we require is iron, which aids in transporting oxygen throughout the body. Iron deficiency can reduce your immunity, making you feel weak and tired. On the other hand, red rice is a good source of iron and can help with iron deficiency. Excessive iron consumption, on the other hand, is harmful to one’s health.

5. Good source of vitamin B6

Because our bodies can’t create Vitamin B6, we need to get it from somewhere else to stay healthy and avoid chronic illnesses. Vitamin B6 is essential for the production of red blood cells as well as the production of DNA. A lack of this vitamin can create a variety of health problems. As a result, eat plenty of red rice, which is a vital source of Vitamin B6.

6. Holds cancer-fighting qualities

Even though present research is confined to animal and test-tube experiments, some data suggest that red yeast rice may aid in the reduction of cancer cell development and spread. According to one study, giving red yeast rice powder to animals with prostate cancer reduced tumour volume considerably compared to a control group. However, more study is required to see how red yeast rice affects other types of cancer in humans. More research is needed to know how the possible anticancer effects of red yeast rice may influence the general population.

Read More Blogs:- Use Whole Grains in Your Daily Diet for These Health Benefits


Red rice may help to improve heart health by lowering cholesterol, inflammation, cancer cell proliferation, and metabolic syndrome risk factors. However, several potential drawbacks to the supplement should be carefully evaluated before you begin using it.

Working closely with your healthcare provider is the best method to determine if this is the perfect supplement for you and how to get a high-quality supplement from a recognized company.

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